Monday, July 23, 2012

Even unmitigated crap.

Barack Obama is a killer. A calculated, vicious killer. In that he has authorized the killing of certain people. By drones. So-called enemies of America. They are blown out of existence. By explosives. Launched from drones. Think about it. Someday, our enemies will have drones. They will have the ability to blast away. At the president of the United States. Or almost anyone they choose. Amazing, isn't it? The new, sophisticated weaponry. One can easily kill. From a distance. From thousands of miles away. By remote control. Chances are that a drone will be able to carry an atomic bomb some day. And wipe out an entire city. No limits to human technology. No need to create a vast army anymore. When a drone or two can do the job. Imagine the power that comes with access to a single drone. Makes Obama the most powerful man in the universe. Maybe even more powerful than gawd himself. At least gawd doesn't interfer. Just lets things happen. Naturally. Even unmitigated crap. --Jim Broede

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