Thursday, July 5, 2012

Until I am in love.

Many of my friends know what's on my mind. Because I write about it. Right here in my blog. And in emails sent directly to my friends. Or in face-to-face conversations. I not only talk/write to my friends, but to total strangers, too. No reason to hold back. Because I'm an opinionated guy. I focus on all sorts of subjects. Serious and nonsensical. Another thing. Many of my opinions are constantly evolving. Changing. From day to day. Maybe even hour to hour. Little wonder. Because I'm fascinated by thought. Still, another thing. I don't mind being wrong. About such things as my psychoanalysis of a friend. I don't guarantee accuracy. Because I like to take novel slants. I ask my friends to think about the way I see them. Often, I'm testing a theory on my friends. About what motivates them. What makes them tick. And believe me, I come up with some fascinating, provocative theories. No reason to hold back. That has alienated a friend or two. But I'm willing to risk it. To put a friendship to a test. In some ways, I think life is a test. A wonderful test. Of love. Seems to me that's the motivating force of life. Love. I'm never fully conscious. Until I'm in love. --Jim Broede

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