Friday, August 24, 2012

Doing what I gotta do.

I'm addicted. To physical exercise and writing. If I take a day off to either one of these pursuits, I'm having a bad day. Relatively speaking. Some friends tell me it's all right to take a day off. No need to exercise daily. Or to write every day. That it can be a negative compulsion. That the mind and body need rest. But walking and biking and writing help me relax. Puts me in a good mood. Makes me feel well. It's just the opposite if I skip a day. I become sort of out of sorts. I'm up tonight. Writing at the moment. And before going to bed, I'll walk at least five miles. Maybe I won't get to bed until 2 or 3 in the morning. But that's better than not doing what I gotta do. --Jim Broede

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