Monday, August 20, 2012

The way life should be - and is.

Some people are never fully satisfied. With the way their day transpired. They always want more. Something better. That used to be me. But I've adapted. To being reasonably satisfied. That is, if I'm able to savor a little bit. And I am able. Because I routinely savor being alive and conscious and in love. Day after day after day. But some people I know go through a day -- in fact, much of lifetime -- without being conscious enough to savor life itself. Maybe it was while I was an Alzheimer care-giver, for my dear sweet wife Jeanne, that I learned to savor the smallest things. A smile. A look of recognition. The actual notion that I was in love. Not only with Jeanne. But with life. Even in what some would construe as the darkest moments. Anyway, that ability has lasted. Over five years since Jeanne died. I feel inspired virtually every day. For having experienced life. The way it should be experienced. In love. --Jim Broede

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