Sunday, August 19, 2012

On not caring enough.

Care-givers. Especially Alzheimer care-givers. They are the busiest people in the world. Busy caring. At least that's so with the truly caring ones. I know all kinds of care-givers. I've seen them from the inside. And the outside. Some are very, very competent. Others are incompetent. Doing more harm than good. Granted, the harm is mostly unintentional. Because they are too busy. Too exhausted to do a really good job of caring. They don't get respite. They drive themselves into the ground. In a sense, they are the ones that need caring. Even more than their patients. Often, I blame them for their incompetence. That may be unfair. Could be that they are too caring. For others. But not for themselves. They don't understand that unless they care for and about themselves, they lose the ability to care for others. Anyway, I give the care-givers I know some slack. I should be helping/assisting them. More than I do. Maybe it's that I'm one of those that doesn't care enough. --Jim Broede

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