Monday, September 10, 2012

Just being one's self.

Seems to me that some people worry too much about their image. Too concerned about what other people think of 'em. Therefore, they go out of their way to build/create an image. Really, an image that often is false. Celebrities do it. But I also have friends and acquaintances that do it. More ordinary people. They aren't famous by any means. I acknowledge that maybe all of us are guilty of image-building. To some degree. As for me, I couldn't care less about my image. But that, in itself, is a form of image-building. Yes, a 'couldn't-care-less' image. I'm caught in a trap. But one thing: I don't worry about it. Never lose sleep if someone doesn't think well of me. That's what I urge my friends to do. Just be themselves. Without worrying about their image. But then, maybe that's what they are. Chronic worriers. And I should let everyone just be one's self. --Jim Broede

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