Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My fantastic, dream-like reality.

My reality is fantastic. Which makes me think I'm living in a dream. And that some day, I'll awaken. Into a new reality. Everything I experience is imagined. It ain't real. It's all a very vivid dream. Probably with more dreams to come. In unending sequence. If that's true. Could be that I have lived forever. Maybe that's true for all of us. All the people that inhabit my reality. Though it could be that I've created them. And they aren't any more real than the characters in a dream. I had a dream last night. Which I interpret as a dream within a dream. A double dream. I was in an elevator. Going down. And when the door opened, I was in a new reality. I felt lost. And I was looking for my Italian true love. And I didn't know how to find her. So I walked back and forth. Aimlessly. In a fairy-tale existence of massive and beautiful buildings. And the next thing I knew, I was dining with my true love. At a cafe. And I asked, how did you find me? And she said that I had gotten my head stuck between the elevator doors. And that she saw the scene on television. And she recognized me. And that's how she found me. I didn't remember any of it. And I thought, maybe my head would be sore. But it didn't hurt. Anyway, I'm awake now. Out of that dream. And living in my fantastic, dream-like reality. --Jim Broede

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