Friday, October 12, 2012

A sad state of affairs.

Some liberals feel let down, if not betrayed, by Barack Obama. In that Obama has steered more a moderate course than a truly liberal one. Obama has worked for compromise. Yes, with conservative Republicans. But the GOP has given nothing in return. Instead, Republicans have tried to sabotage Obama at virtually every turn. That ain't right. It's downright mean-spirited. Believe me, the most ardent liberals feel that politics should be played tit-for-tat. In other words, treat the scoundrels like dirty rotten scoundrels. Obama has refrained from that. He's been far too nice. And that may cost him a second term. The Republicans play dirty and ruthlessly. No scruples whatever. They are bold-faced liars. Knowing that if a lie is repeated often enough, stupid people will start believing it. Such as the outrageous lie that Obama isn't an American. That he was foreign born. And that his birth certificate is a fake. Meanwhile, the Republican candidate for president, Mitt Romney, flip-flops all over the place on issues. He's for and against everything. Just depends on what his audience wants to hear. Indeed, Romney is the biggest scoundrel of all. But Obama more or less takes it all far too passively. Little wonder that liberals feel let down. Maybe even betrayed. Indeed, it's a sad state of affairs. --Jim Broede

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