Thursday, October 18, 2012

An excuse to lie.

Lance Armstrong. Cheater. In the bicycle-racing world. Now he's been caught. And being vilified by a self-righteous society. But I suspect we're all cheaters. And liars. To varying degrees. After all, isn't that the way of the world? Take politics, for instance. Aren't many politicians natural born liars and cheaters? How else can they claw their way to their niches. They have to lie and cheat. To get ahead. And we know it. And we tolerate it. Name a successful honest politician. You can't. There is no such thing. Maybe there isn't even an honest man/woman. We lie to each other, and especially to ourselves. We can't get through life any other way. And tell me, what is truth? Maybe there's no such thing. One man's truth is another man's lie. Do I sound cynical? Certainly, I do. It's my way of pretending that I'm honest. When I'm just as dishonest as the next guy. I hereby declare there's no such thing as truth. Gives me an excuse to lie. --Jim Broede

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