Tuesday, October 30, 2012

An opportunity to save ourselves.

What would it take for god to become mean-spirited? What would he have to do? Yes, I have an idea. He could make Mitt Romney  president. That would be a way to punish Americans for their wayward ways.  Christians tell me that god once decided to wipe the slate clean by bringing on a flood. Forty days and 40 nights of solid rain. With only Noah and his ark of animals surviving. But we Americans may get a fate worse than a mere flood. Yes, Mitt Romney. Not only for four years. But for two terms. It'd serve us right. God thought that maybe we learned our lesson from eight grueling years under George Bush. Instead, we have regressed. Politically. Economically. Socially. We continue to ignore the common good. Therefore, god will make us suffer. In a living hell. Presided over by the heartless and cruel Romney. Because we don't know any better. We have failed to listen to god. Oh, how I'd like to wheel and deal with god. Wishing he had a forgiving nature. Giving us a second term of Barack Obama. But god tells me it's up to us. We still have a golden opportunity to save Obama and ourselves. Next Tuesday. --Jim Broede

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