Thursday, October 4, 2012

I flee to Paradise.

I take pride in my ability to avoid getting truly angry. Instead, I get annoyed. There's a difference. Oh, I'm capable of getting angry. If someone does me or others, maybe even society, a gross injustice. But still, I'm able to restrain myself. In that sense, I'm able to control my anger. So it doesn't become over-reactive. Doesn't become full-fledged, effusive anger. I don't lose it, so to speak. I can do that because I'm a retiree. And I spend much of my life living in a cocoon. Sort of isolated in a dream world. A realm of my own creation. That's why I'm not a politician. Not a candidate for public office. Because if I got into that situation, I'd become angry. Maybe out of control. Because I'd be dealing with despicable people. Other politicians. The likes of Mitt Romney. Liars. Cheats. The ruthless. People willing to transgress common decency for the sake of political gain. It's a corruptible offense just being a politician. One moves into a virtual hell. Especially at the top of political power in  the nation's capitol. Washington, D.C. Even a basically decent guy such as Barack Obama has been corrupted by Washington. By his fellow politicians. By the system. Obama tries to stay aloft and above the fray. But he fails. In that he allows other politicians get the best of him. Through lying and cheating. Obama doesn't know how to counter it all. And so he's relatively easy prey. He's too passive, too naive. He really ain't a natural born politician. He's over his head in Washington. Corrupted by the devil. He tries to do as I do. To retreat to his carefully-constructed cocoon. But in Washington, that ain't good enough. His cocoon has been invaded. By vermin. Yes, by politicians. He can't get away from 'em. There's no escape. Unless he gets out of Washington. Far, far away. Maybe to an island in the Mediterranean Sea. With his true love. Like I do. Every year. I leave Minnesota and the USA. I flee to Paradise. Yes, Barack. Life is much better in Paradise. Much better than in your hell. --Jim Broede

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