Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I want to be Robin Hood.

Maybe monetarily rich people should be denied certain rights. Such as spending wads of their money on creating political, economic and social systems aimed at promoting their selfish individual good over that of the common good. Chances of that ever happening are nil. But still, it's worth discussing. Because it's a freedom of speech issue.  In a sense, I wanna deny them purchased speech. I'd still allow them to speak. But not necessarily with their money. My dislike is for what money can buy. Evil, for instance. Money gives the rich an advantage. Because they have more opportunity to reach the gullible public. Too much freedom for the rich ends up taking away freedom from the rest of us. From the middle class and the poor. The masses of common people are outshouted, outspent by the rich. By the oligarchs. By the plutocrats. True democracy is impossible when we give free rein to the rich. To do whatever they want with their money. I want to be Robin Hood. Taking their money and redistributing it. For the common good. --Jim Broede

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