Tuesday, October 9, 2012

In stupid and destructive ways.

The intelligent and well-informed Americans knew well before the presidential debate who they'd be voting for. Their minds were made up. Long ago. And they didn't need a relatively stupid and inane debate to change their minds. Their homework was already completed. They stay tuned in. Because that's their way. Many of 'em are naturally curious people. With well-thought-out political philosophies. They don't wait until election day to make up their minds. As for those that do wait until the last few weeks or days -- well, many of 'em are probably not very bright. Or very curious. Society and the country might be better off if they didn't vote. That's better than voting in an uninformed way. No doubt, there are idiots, imbeciles and morons that go to the polls. Some barely smart enough to mark their ballots. But they've been recruited by politicians who talk in meaningless language. Prompts people to vote zombie-like against their own best interests. They don't know any better. Haven't got a clue what it's all about. But in a democracy, they are entitled to participate. Albeit in stupid and destructive ways. --Jim Broede

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