Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Obama ain't a politician.

I have a bad feeling about Barack Obama. That he's ill-fated. Maybe for the wrong reasons. Because he's too honest, too kind, too accommodating. Obama needs to be ruthless. That is, if he wants to succeed as a politician. And especially as president of the United States of America. One has to be a conniving liar. A manipulator. In that sense, Mitt Romney is far superior to Obama. Furthermore, Romney is a good actor. A natural born con man. He's capable of selling snake oil. Especially to stupid people. Romney understands the art of stupidity. He's sort of smart stupid. He'll do anything to obtain power. Even sell his soul. Thing is, he's purchased souls. He owns 'em. Like the devil himself. Obama tries to stay above the fray. He's not designed to be a politician. He'd make a better poet or philosopher or college professor. His most comfortable cocoon would be an ivory tower. A place in acadamia. He doesn't belong in Washington. He's an ill-fit. Romney will feel at home in the White House. Obama is mighty uncomfortable. And he's especially leery of political games. Obama has a death wish. He wishes to lose. He really doesn't want a second term. He lacks the heart and stamina to go for it. Maybe it's that he doesn't have a ruthless bone in his body. Still, I'm gonna vote for him. Knowing full well that he's likely to lose. Because he ain't a politician. --Jim Broede

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