Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's a shame.

Here's the way I see it. Most Americans don't pay attention to politics. They are busy with other aspects of life. Such as making a living. And raising a family.  Or pursuing a love. They can't even name a member of the city council or the school board. Some don't even know who's their senator or congressman or the president. But some of these same people will trek to the polls next Tuesday. And vote. Based on very little information. That's why Mitt Romney stands a good chance of becoming president. Because Americans that have no business voting actually vote. Based on scant information. Maybe no more than an impression obtained from a sound bite or two. They have no clue about the issues driving the election. In many instances, they won't vote for Barack Obama merely because he's black. Or because they think he's a Muslim or foreign born. Yes, in America, lack of intelligence (stupidity) is no barrier to voting. It's a shame. --Jim Broede

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