Monday, October 22, 2012

Knowing that I'm blessed.

I'm pushing my luck. By sticking around Minnesota until Nov. 10. Which means I may see snow before I leave. Could be lots of it. Remember a Halloween when we had 28 inches of snow. Back in '91. But it's gonna be 70 degrees tomorrow. And October has been mostly balmy and sunny. Sort of like Sardinia in mid-winter. That's where I'll be. With my Italian true love. Until April. When I return to Minnesota. Nice thing about Sardinia. No snow. No freezing temperatures. And I'm only 20 minutes from wonderful beaches on the Mediterranean Sea. But then, I wouldn't complain if I had to stay in Minnesota all winter. I'd make the best of it. Knowing that I'm blessed. No matter where I live. --Jim Broede

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