Sunday, October 21, 2012

Italy's leftists make me feel at home.

I'm for government creating jobs. To put the unemployed back to work. It's the humane and sensible thing to do. Hey, we could use more teachers, more health care workers, especially in nursing homes and hospitals. And we need workers to repair and expand the public infrastructure, such as roads and bridges. And for good measure, let's toss in some parks and arts projects.  The additional employment will be a boon to the economy. Because the workers will be spending their salaries. Buying products and services. As for how we'll pay for all this. No problem. Let's cut defense budget by a trillion dollars. Better than spending all that money on unnecessary and obscene wars. Amazing, isn't it? I have solutions to virtually all of our economic woes. But nobody seems to be listening. Guess that fortifies my decision to leave the USA in November. I'm going to live with my beautiful and intelligent Italian true love. On the island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea. I'll be back around Easter.   To see if America has come to its senses. If not, I'll keep returning to Italy. For longer and longer stays. Where I mingle with political leftists. They make me feel truly at home. --Jim Broede

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