Thursday, October 4, 2012

Maybe even a Russian.

Barack Obama has been portrayed by Republicans as a far left winger. A socialist. A radical. Believe me, he isn't any of those. He's a middle-of-the road Democrat. Maybe not even left of center. My gawd. True liberals know that Obama isn't a liberal. They've been trying to drag him to the left. And Obama resists. Instead, Obama allows the lunatic fringe of Republican conservatism to pull him to the right of center. Makes me wonder if Obama is a traitor to the liberal cause. If Obama loses this election to Mitt Romney, I fear what will happen to America. Imagine what will happen to the Supreme Court. The new appointees may even make Scalia look moderate. Wild-eyed conservatives will have taken over the nation. I will no longer want to be an American. I'd prefer to be an Italian or a German or a Swede. Maybe even a Russian. --Jim Broede

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