Saturday, October 13, 2012

The laughing god.

When crap happens all over the world, it ain't my fault. Because I have virtually no control over other people's actions. I'm merely an individual. Pretty much isolated from it all. Really, with no influence. Maybe powerful people can intervene. And change outcomes. For the better. But I'm a recluse. In a tiny corner of the world. With no effective say. Instead, I blame the powerful. The presidents. Our elected representatives. And not least of all, god himself. Because, if I'm correct, god is all powerful. Can do anything. Even intervene. To stop shit from happening. But chooses not to. Maybe for good reason. He wants us, as a society, to figure it out. But we are too stupid, obviously. Or we have a will to screw up. That's our way. But always, we can conveniently blame god. Because he's supposed to be the guy that created us in the first place. But then, maybe it wasn't a mistake on god's part. He wanted to make us less than perfect. Otherwise, we'd be god's equal. And that would be potentially troublesome. Might lead to multiple gods. Resulting in a dispute/fight over who's the supreme god. Similar to the ongoing dispute/fight over who's the supreme leader of a country. Yes, a matter of politics. God didn't want to play politics in his domain. Heaven. So it was important not to create competing rivals. Anyway, my guess is that god created us strictly for entertainment. We are all actors in god's soap opera. We continually improvise. On stage. One idiotic captivating blunder after another. And god watches. Laughing. Laughing. Laughing uproarishly. --Jim Broede

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