Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The wonderful aspects of life.

I'm sticking around just long enough to cast my vote. For Barack Obama. Then I'll take off for Sardinia. And life with my Italian true love. All winter. And into the spring. Of course, I know my vote won't count. Won't make one iota of difference. I cannot alter the course of human history. The best I can do is pursue happiness. And moreorless ignore the politics of America. I'll be a bit happier if Obama wins. But if he doesn't, I have to accept the consequences. No. No. No. That's negative thinking. I'll merely spend more time living in my cocoon. My own little world. I will try to ignore the state of American politics. Knowing that there are better things to do. Going for strolls along the Mediterranean seaside. And walking through primeval forests. Cavorting with my Italian true love. And writing. About the wonderful aspects of life. --Jim Broede

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