Monday, October 29, 2012

With his soul still intact.

If Barack Obama is re-elected, he needs to become another Lyndon Johnson. A true politician. Unafraid to use strong-arm tactics. To get things done. To bring feuding sides together. To accomplish an agenda that's good for America. But there's one problem. Obama probably doesn't have it in himself to be anybody but Barack Obama. An intellectual. A guy who would make a better college professor than a politician. Obama doesn't have the savvy or the inclination to do what it takes. To wheel and deal. Maybe Romney does. Because he's a politician. Two-faced. And ruthless. He's capable of becoming a Lyndon Johnson. Many Americans aren't bothered by the fact that Romney is a bold-faced liar. And that he would sell his soul to the devil, if that's what it takes to become president. He'll say and do anything to achieve his goal. Obama won't do that. He'd rather lose. And go home to Chicago, or wherever. And become a college professor. With his soul still intact. --Jim Broede

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