Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A game of everyone for himself.

Unfortunately, where I live in Italy, there isn’t a decent-wage job for everyone. Far too many people go jobless. That’s the state of the economy. And it ain’t right.  I want an ideal society. In which everyone has the opportunity to work for a living wage.  And if there isn’t a job, it’s up to society to provide assistance. Support.  To get one by. Until the economy gets better. I prefer that the aid come from government. Local. State. Federal.  That’s the role of society and government. To serve the common good.  To redistribute the wealth, if that’s what it takes. If the private sector steps in and provides some of the relief – that’s fine, too. I like team effort.  Thing is, we’re all supposed to be on the same team. But we don’t always act that way. It’s almost as if it’s a game of everyone for himself. –Jim Broede

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