Thursday, November 29, 2012

A reminder: She's in Paradise.

My Italian true love tells me that winter has arrived in Sardinia. But she’s gotta be kidding. The overnight temperature has dipped into the mid-40s Fahrenheit. That might seem like an autumn or spring day back in Minnesota. Where winter really is winter. Sardinians have a fake winter.  Which would make most Americans happy.  We could live without a real winter. In three winters in Sardinia, I have yet to see snow or a freezing temperature. I’m not complaining. But my true love is putting extra blankets on the bed. Thick, heavy blankets. She’s cold. Genuinely cold.  My gawd. She just walked in. Dressed in a parka. With hood.  She’s gonna venture outdoors. Into what Sardinians deem bitter cold. And I gotta remind her. She’s living in Paradise. –Jim Broede

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