Thursday, November 29, 2012

Getting angry. It's a choice.

I know people who get obsessed. Over wrongdoing. And incompetence. As if they never do wrong themselves. Or never make mistakes. They tend to be unforgiving of others. Instead, they only forgive themselves.  It’s all right to be forgiving. In fact, even desirable. But seems to me forgiveness should be on both sides of the street. And both ways. I also notice that unforgiving people tend to get angry. Very angry. It’s as if they take a holier-than-thou attitude.  As if they never do wrong. Only others do. I try not to get upset with other people. Even if they slight me. And do harm. Often, it’s unintentional. And if it’s intentional, I suspect they need psychiatric help. Often, they are mentally sick. When I see angry people, I try to be a calming influence. Usually, I find it’s the result of overreaction to a situation. That things aren’t as bad as they seem.  I used to get angry because something didn’t go my way.  Even things over which I had no control. But I learned that I can control my reactions.  I don’t have to get angry.  It’s my choice. –Jim Broede

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