Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Maybe an occasional lethal blow.

Almost got punched in the nose today. While walking the streets in the city of Carbonia. In Sardinia/Italy. Funny. Funny. Funny. Three guys  were engaged in an animated conversation in the middle of the sidewalk.  As is typical of Italians, they  gestured with their  hands as they talked.   Suddenly, one of the gestures from a guy that didn’t see me, shot out to the right. Barely missing me. A close call. Good for a laugh. I know. I know. I should have known better. I’m aware of  gesturing Italians. Usually, I keep a safe distance. I’m assuming that the sometimes wild gestures take a high annual toll. In bloody and fractured noses, in black eyes, and broken jaws.  Maybe an occasional  lethal blow.  –Jim Broede

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