Friday, November 23, 2012

I have to learn by heart.

My early education. In school. Was misguided. Made me into a slow and ineffective learner. Initially. Fortunately, I recovered. Mostly when I became an adult. And improvised. On my own. Even taught myself how to write. Naturally. My way. I write the way I think. In spurts.  Anyway, I abhorred the assignments in school. Such as having to memorize poems.  It was required to get up in class. And recite the poem. Didn’t matter if one failed to  understand the words. I’d not teach that way. My students would have to get up and read the poem aloud. Preferably with feeling. But they’d also be required to explain the meaning. In their own words.   So very much of my education was taught by rote. Words. Without meaning. I was required to use my mind. But not my heart.  That’s all changed now.  Because I learned to venture out on my own.  Found a personally meaningful way to learn. Seems to me, everyone needs to do that. Many, many different ways.  I have to learn by heart. So much more meaningful than by mind. –Jim Broede

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