Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The way out of a fiscal mess.

I want Obama to stick it to the Republicans. By taking his thinking to the people. To the nation. Trying to directly sway Republicans in Congress is a waste of time. They are too obstinate.  Too entrenched. Too close-minded.  So unwilling to compromise. They are the ones that have stuck it to Obama and the liberal Democrats.  Republicans merely want to take, and not give.  They claim to stand on principle. When really, they stand on arrogance.  Might be that Obama and the Democrats will have to allow the nation to go off the ‘fiscal cliff’ in order to get anything close to a compromise on the budget.  But so be it. If that’s what it takes to get something done.  Fact of the matter is that America needs tax increases. On everyone. But mostly on the wealthy.  We all have to pitch in. Based on what each of us can afford. Millionaires and billionaires can afford the lion’s share.  But I emphasize, everyone has to make a sacrifice.  Just as we did in World War II. It comes down to a matter of survival. Unfortunately, the Republicans only concern is the survival of the wealthy. And to hell with the poor and the middle class. Enough. Enough. Enough.  Let’s go Obama. Let’s go Democrats.  Let’s stick it to the Republicans. Let’s make the rich pay their fair share. And we’ll get out of our fiscal mess.  –Jim Broede

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