Thursday, November 22, 2012

The world's only talking cat.

 I’m trying to more or less forget about my cats, Loverboy and Chenuska, when I’m away and living in Sardinia. Because I don’t wanna miss them too much. And the best way to do that is not think about ‘em. Instead,  focus on my Italian true love and other things. Don’t know if that’s appropriate.  But it gives me peace of mind. I have a house sitter who tends to the cats. So they get attention. Though probably not near as much as I customarily give ‘em. I love the cats dearly. Not sure if they love me just as dearly. Maybe they aren’t even consciously aware that I’m gone. Which may be all right. They get fed daily. Maybe that’s the important thing in their lives. And they have each other. For company. When I’m at home, I have daily conversations with the cats. They seem to be good listeners. They understand words.  Loverboy speaks English. He talks to my true love on Skype. In sort of a high-pitched tone. My true love thinks it’s me. Acting like a ventriloquist. But I’m trying to convince her it’s really Loverboy, the world’s only talking cat. –Jim Broede    

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