Monday, December 17, 2012

A fantastic dream.

Not sure if life is determined by pure fate or pure conscious decision-making. On my part.  Could be that things just happen.  And I have absolutely no control. I’m just along for the ride. And I’m living an illusion. That I have a real say in the matter. I come to a proverbial fork in the road. I can turn left.  Or right. Or go straight ahead. Or go back where I came from. Or stay where I am. Supposedly, it’s a conscious decision on my part. But is it, really? Maybe it’s all pre-determined. Maybe the creator knows exactly what’s gonna happen. And he merely lets it be. Without interference. Or maybe there is no creator. No pre-determined outcome. Everything is happenstance.  Maybe life is a total illusion. A figment of one single profound imagination.  A fantastic dream.  --Jim Broede

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