Friday, December 14, 2012

At least I'm able to escape.

I expect nothing meaningful to be done about gun violence in America.  Any more than I expect something meaningful to be done about the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. Violence and inequality are part of the American spirit. The American psyche.  The American way. Oh, we deplore what we’ve become as a nation. But nothing politically meaningful gets done. We just go on and on and on. Without meaningful change. Without meaningful laws. Without meaningful regret for what we’ve become. As a nation.  We allow a vocal and powerful minority to rule. Note, I mention powerful. Because we allow the likes of the idiots in the National Rifle Association to have their way. We have a dumb-downed America.  Maybe because the smart people aren’t smart enough to overcome the antics of wild-eyed, hare-brained idiots. Therefore, we have what we have in America. Fortunately, I’m an American living in Italy. That gives me some solace.  Maybe I’m starting to hate America for what it’s become. At least I’m able to escape. –Jim Broede

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