Saturday, December 29, 2012

Give me the philosophical stuff.

I approach people. All sorts of people. I ask questions. Because I wanna know what makes ‘em tick. But a fair number tell me they don’t wanna talk. That’s all right. That is, if they are willing to talk to themselves. To analyze why it is that they don’t wanna talk. I suspect that some people shut down their minds. Their emotions. Almost everything. Because they find life unbearable.  Or too confusing.  That’s a sad way to go through life. But then, I believe in freedom of choice. It’s their choice. To be unhappy. To skirt the real issues of life. Maybe they seek to become zombies. To go through life on automatic pilot. Maybe that’s a legitimate option.  Better to be a robot. Than nothing. Or is it? That’s why I keep asking questions.  I’m trying to determine something. Have I encountered a truly thinking human being?  Or have I discovered a mechanical zombie/robot?  Thing is, I’m not good at figuring out mechanical stuff. I’d make a lousy handyman.    I prefer tackling philosophical stuff.  –Jim Broede

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