Friday, December 28, 2012

On feeling good.

Can’t do things I used to. Run a 7-minute mile, for instance. But that ain’t reason to lament. Instead, I walk 10 miles a day. Doesn’t matter that I’ve slowed. I’m still physically able. Enough to exercise. By going distance. If had to, I probably could walk all day.  I’m still functioning. Reasonably well.   Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. In some ways, better than ever. I’m constantly learning. To adjust. To adapt. To make the most of life. Despite inadequacies and limits that come with age.  In many ways, life is better at 77 than at 7 or 17 or 27 or 37. Makes me wonder if it’ll always be that way. Life getting better and better and better.  I suspect not. Life may end.  But I don’t necessarily count out everlasting  life. In one form or another.  I’m here today. In the moment.  Feeling good. About myself. And blessed life. –Jim Broede

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