Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Half-perfect ain't bad.

Seldom does one win a total victory in life.  That’s what I tell my Italian true love. It’s a way of buoying her spirits. Because she doesn’t  like losing her battles. Especially in the school system where she teaches. She’s a staunch advocate for students. Especially when teachers do them harm.  She recently went into a conflagration with her colleagues. And came away with a partial victory. Which left her disappointed.  But I urged my indomitable true love to focus on what she accomplished. It’s the standard old argument. Is the glass half full or half empty?  Thing is, she’s a darn good teacher and splendid human being. She knows how to do the right thing. And does it. But doesn’t always accomplish her goal fully. That’s all right, I assure her. You made strides.  Life isn’t  perfect.  But hey, half-perfect ain’t bad. –Jim Broede

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