Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Leave me be a free spirit.

Don’t know how it’s achieved, but I’m for a two-state solution to the turmoil in the Middle East. An Israeli state and a Palestinian state. Next to each other.  Then let both states learn to live peacefully together. Of course, it would be nice if both sides lived in harmony in a single state. A state of bliss. But that won’t happen. There’ll always be tension. That’s the nature of humankind.  And especially the nature of Jews and Arabs. I like ‘em both. But many of ‘em don’t like each other. For stupid reasons. Mostly, religious. Makes me think that religion is a curse separating us from each other. When really, it should be a blessing that brings us together. But the hallmark of most religions seems to be intolerance. Often of a fanatical nature. My way or the highway. I find atheists and agnostics far more open-minded and tolerant than the devoutly religious. I was brought up as a Christian. But left the faith. Rather than put up with the intolerance. I want no part of organized religions.  They tend to be too restrictive and corrupting.  Give me independence. Give me free-thinking. If someone wants to be religious, fine. Then be religious. Join up. But leave me be a free spirit.  –Jim Broede

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