Saturday, December 22, 2012

I'm well-off. And happy, too.

It’s good for me to pay less attention to happenings in the U.S., and more heed to events in the rest of the world. Especially in Italy, where I’m now living.  Gives me a fresher perspective on life.  It’s a good life in Italy. In different ways than in the U.S.   A slower-paced life. And for me, it means learning new ways. Not least, learning a new language.  New ways to communicate. Without a fluency in the native language. Gives me a better understanding of what life must be like in the U.S. For newcomers. Especially the ones not versed in English.  I’m not ready to say that life is better in the U.S. than in Italy. Thing is, I’m happy.  In both places. I’m also a little bit disgruntled.  No matter where I am. Because I like to complain. About this and that. It’s part of my nature.  I’m annoyed with politicians. Whether they be American or Italian. But I’m more in tune with the Italians. Because they have a wider variety of political thought. They even have very active and progressive communists. And there’s a decent chance that next year Italy may have a communist prime minister.  Representing a center/left coalition. But still, there’s a ray of hope in the U.S. Vermont has an ‘independent’ U.S. senator who’s really a socialist. Makes me think that maybe I should move to Vermont.  But for now, I’ll split my time between Italy and Minnesota.  I know when I’m well-off. And happy, too. –Jim Broede

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