Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Makes me a true blue patriot.

I like the idea of uprooting myself from America. For roughly half the year. Some political conservatives say love it, or leave it. Completely. Here’s the way I look at it. I don’t love everything about America. But that doesn’t mean I have to leave America forever and ever. I’d rather explore the alternative of going back and forth. Living in America part-time. And taking advantage of opportunities to make for a better America.  I don’t mind giving lunatic fringe Republicans a swift kick in the ass. I’d rather see them leave than allowing them to deny me the opportunity to bring about change. It’s Republicans that are spoiling America. By trying to foist their idiotic ways on the rest of us. I’m for replacing greedy capitalism with a more benevolent socialism.  I’m for the common good rather than the good of filthy monetarily rich individuals. I’m living in Italy now. But I’ll return to Minnesota in April. So that I can resume my fight for a better America. That makes me a true blue American patriot. –Jim Broede

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