Monday, December 24, 2012

My lovely and scenic butte.

My Italian true love says I’m looking out the window at a mountain. But it really isn’t a mountain. Maybe a huge hill. Maybe what I’d call a butte.  I looked up the word ‘butte’ in the Cambridge dictionary. And it isn’t listed. But I went to google and asked for synonyms of ‘mountain’ and up came ‘butte.’ I’m aware of the city of Butte, Montana. And my assumption is that Butte is landscaped by buttes that look like what I’m seeing out the window of our abode in Carbonia, on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. For lack of a better word, I’m calling it a butte.  I’ve seen many mountains in my travels around the world. And believe me, this ain’t a mountain. It’s a butte. And time for the dictionary to define a butte and to illustrate it with my lovely and scenic butte. –Jim Broede

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