Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Pizzazz & passion. I need it.

So very difficult for me to socialize with Italians. Because I don’t speak much Italian. I need a translator. And often I do. My Italian true love.  But still, I’m handicapped by language inadequacies. Which makes me aware of what it must be like to be illiterate or semi-illiterate.  That’s why education should be a basic human right. Everybody needs a good education. In order to thrive. In order to be fully human.  Maybe education should be declared the most basic human right.  Being able to read and write. That’s the way to earn most of the other basic human rights. Being able to negotiate for one’s self with words. Meaningful words and thoughts. Of course, I’m able to navigate the world with my English-speaking skills. But hey, it’d be even nicer if I were bilingual or trilingual. If I could speak Italian and German, too. That would open up so many more opportunities and horizons.  If I were a truly dedicated  human being, I’d make expansion of my language skills a top priority.  Thing is, I talk a good game. But I don’t always play the game the way I should. With maximum pizzazz and passion. But I’m working on it. –Jim Broede

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