Monday, December 17, 2012

Strangling the poor & middle-class

What we need more than  anything are programs that shield poor and middle-class from harm. Yes, more social safety nets.   I’m not only speaking of America. But all over the world. Italy, included. Where I’m living now.  We don’t need more austerity.  Because that will only make economic recessions and depressions even worse.  We have to meet the needs of real people. First and foremost. Even if it means running the economy at  deficit levels for a while longer.  The important thing is to keep the masses of people at sustainable levels. Not just the rich. But mainly the poor and the middle-class. Many economists tell us that. But the ruling rich elite and the politicians they bribe, tell us we have to pull in our belts.  Around our necks. Until we strangle. So that the rich can sustain their wealth.  –Jim Broede

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