Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The language of love.

I’m capable of carrying on intelligent conversations. With most people. If they speak and understand English. And even if they don’t, I can still find other ways. By improvising. With sign language. Or with the help of translators.  I can even communicate with Alzheimer patients. Some in advanced stages of the disease.  Merely by exuding good vibes. By winning their confidence. Their trust. So very many ways to converse.  When I write, I like to use short sentences. Often, a single word is more effective than a long sentence.  Even silence can be an effective way of sending a message.  Then there’s the language of love. That’s my favorite.  The love letter, especially. Because the words of love can be read over and over. They can grow and expand. And become more vibrant with time.  Many love poems will last forever. Even after death.  –Jim Broede

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