Sunday, December 23, 2012

The right and moral thing.

The problem in America is not too much spending. Instead, it’s not enough taxes. We need higher tax rates. Especially on the rich.  To balance the budget. It’s that simple. But Republicans have adamantly  opposed any new taxes. Since 1990. That’s a long time. And it’s the major reason for budget deficits. America is not a poor nation. There’s plenty of money to go around. Unfortunately, it’s mostly in the hands of 1 percent of the population.  The filthy rich. The obscenely rich.  Yes, multi-millionaires and billionaires. And maybe a trillionaire or two mixed in. They should be expected to pay more in taxes. A whole lot more.  We don’t need much in spending cuts. It’s really increased spending that we need. To help the poor and middle class out of a prolonged economic morass.  It’s the right and moral thing to do. –Jim Broede

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