Saturday, January 26, 2013

I know two kinds of intimacies.

I notice. Many things. That I don’t write about. Because they are too sacred. Too personal. Too intimate. But that doesn’t stop me from writing about the sacred, the personal and the intimate. Within reason. I have boundaries. Limits. Some people think I don’t. That I am too open. Too naked. And all I’m saying is, ain’t so. I am compelled to write about sacred and personal and intimate stuff that bothers some. I dare go to the edge. Further than some people would like. Even my dearest friends. I draw different lines than they. I’m less conservative. More liberal. I write in my own way. I choose the subject matter. And how to treat it. I know two kinds of intimacies.  Those that I write about. And those that I don’t.  –Jim Broede

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