Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Let 'we the people' take charge.

Obama. He’s sounding more like what I want him to sound like. A liberal. A progressive. A collectivist. A democratic socialist. He talks about ‘we the people’ in his second inaugural address. That’s what we Americans are. A collection of diverse people. Needing to work together. To achieve the common good. Not the good of a relatively few monetarily rich individuals/oligarchs. We need a society that pulls together. In a collectivist way. Virtually the exact opposite of the greedy and selfish Republican approach. Republicans advocate  everyone for himself. In a ruthless and uncaring society. Allow the rich to get richer, and the poor to get poorer. That’s not what I want. I want the way advocated by Obama. And if the Republicans continue to resist and stay in their obstructionist mode – well, then it’s time for ‘we the people’ to send a message. To hell with Republicans. --Jim Broede                                                    

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