Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The good and the bad.

I’m boycotting my Chicago Cubs this spring. Not making my usual trip to spring training in Arizona. Instead, I’ve chosen to stay longer than usual in my exotic Paradise. Living with my Italian  true love. In the city of Carbonia. In Sardinia, an island in the Mediterranean Sea.  One has to make choices in life. Fortunately, all of my choices as to living environment are good ones. Some are a little better than others. Not worse. Unlike in the realm of politics. Where all the choices are bad. Some are less bad than others. But still bad. Also, it might be construed that my Cubs play bad baseball. But I’m not looking at it that way. The Cubs are good for me. Win, lose or draw. The same way that I look at friends. All friends are good. No friend is bad.  –Jim Broede

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