Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We ain't living in democracies.

Democracies really aren’t democracies. Because they’ve been hijacked. By the oligarchs. By the monetarily wealthy individuals and corporations. The vast majority of ordinary people, the poor and the middle class, have little to say. Instead, actual power is in the hands of the rich. They are the ruling elite. Oh, sure ’we the people’ are fooled into thinking that we elect our representatives. And in a sense, we do. We get exactly what we deserve. Puppets. With strings attached and pulled by millionaires and billionaires. Money is power in our democracies. Almost anything can be bought.    The founders of democracies may have been well-intentioned idealists. Thinking that ‘we the people’ would grab the reins. Actual power. And work for the common good. Instead, ‘we the people’ have been manipulated. By the crafty and evil ruling elite. They are the monarchs. Acting as if by divine right. Like gods. And ‘we the people’ are stupid. For letting them get away with it. ‘We the people’ are political illiterates. Dunces. And that’s the way the ruling elite want to keep the people. As long as they can keep the masses from waking up, they’ll have their way. Believe me, they are clever. Even when 'we the people'  think that change is coming, it ain’t. It’s all a sham. A masquerade. A ruse. Meant to fool everyone. That 'we the people'  are living in democarcies, when we ain’t. –Jim Broede

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