Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Listen. For my sigh of relief.

I breathe a sigh of relief for the reelection of Barack Obama. Because he’ll appoint for the next four years the justices that fill vacancies on the Supreme  Court. Thank gawd it ain’t Mitt Romney or any Republican making the appointments.    That would be disaster for America. A further swing of the court to the far, far right. Now there’s hope for a swing to the middle or maybe even left of center.  Where it belongs in this modern age. Alito, Scalia. Thomas, Roberts. They all scare me. But what would scare me more is to have justices that even go to the right of today’s right-wingers. Indeed, that would have been a possibility and probably a likelihood if a Republican occupied the White House. Imagine the horror movie  such a script would make. But to make it reality, that would be a living nightmare. Listen. Can you hear my sigh of relief? –Jim Broede

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