Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ain't ready to die for any country.

Don’t know that I would ever want to die for my country. Probably not worth it. Too much that I’d dislike about my country to actually die for it. Maybe that makes me less than patriotic. But I suspect I wasn’t born to be a patriot. I have other missions. Such as savoring life. Especially my life.  And if I cashed in  my chips for the sake of country, I’d not be savoring. I’d be dead. My country ain’t perfect. Not by a long shot.  I have serious qualms about the political, economic and social climates. There are better ones in the world. That’s not to say that I lack respect and reverence for my country. But it ain’t a total thing. Like true love. I’d much rather pledge allegiance to my Italian true love than to my country. I like her country, too. Italy. But hey, I’d stop short of dying for Italy. If things got tough, I wouldn’t hesitate fleeing to better places. Maybe Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Canada or Greenland. Of course, I could end up dying in those places. By freezing to death or being buried alive in an avalanche of snow. But that would be more or less accidental. Rather than a conscious dying for my country. Yes, when it gets down to the nitty-gritty, I ain't ready to die for any country. –Jim Broede

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