Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The art/craft/blessing of love.

My daily life has essentially three focuses. Writing, physical exercise and my Italian true love. All three get special attention. Some days, more one than the others. Depends. On needs. My needs. And my true love’s needs. She would occasionally have to have more attention than my other vices  --walking and pondering thought. Fortunately, she’s tied up much of the day with teaching. English and English literature. We have so much to talk about. But sometimes don’t. Because we are busy with our own pursuits. Making a living, professionally. Or, in my case, walking, walking, walking, and thinking, thinking, thinking. Anyway, I love this existence. This phase of my life. Especially being in Italy. In my fourth month now. And in my fifth month before I return to Minnesota. For spring and summer. Before I return to Sardinia in the autumn. It’s a good life. And to sound modest, could say it’s more than I deserve. But really, I think highly of myself. And I deserve it all, if not more. Because I was born to savor life. Fully. Completely. Every single moment of life. And I haven’t always done that. But I’m getting better at it. Though it be late in life. Thank gawd, I’ve lived this long. And learned the art/craft/blessing of love. –Jim Broede

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