Friday, February 8, 2013

Always something more to learn.

Chances are that I like some people more than they like me. Meanwhile, some may like me more than I like them. Liking isn’t dealt  in equal proportions. Yes, another interesting fact of life. Gives me something  to like. Inequality. I’m told in a preamble somewhere, that all men are created equal. But ain’t so. Inequality reigns.  I can do some things better than other people. And others can do a whole lot of things better than me. If something goes wrong with my car, don’t expect me to fix it. I’ll take it to a professional mechanic. I’d rather write a  love letter. For which I am qualified. I know my limits. And my skills and talents, too. I know me. Pretty well. But I’m also still learning about myself. And others, too.  I never know enough.  Never will. But that’s the thrill of life. Always something more to discover. –Jim Broede

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