Friday, February 22, 2013

An isolated life. I'll take it.

Living in Sardinia is a little like isolating myself from the rest of the world. Because I’m in a country where I don’t speak the native language. I can’t just approach strangers and initiate a meaningful conversation. That can be a negative thing. Or a positive thing. My first thought. If I want isolation, it’s good.   But then my second thought. Maybe it’s not isolation, after all. I’m merely creating the world that I want. In Paradise. I limit my human contacts. To quality over quantity. Makes it easier to focus on individuals. Because I’m not spread thin. Because I have my Italian true love. The most important person in my life. Other than me, myself and I. Meanwhile, I take advantage of my skill. As a  writer. I write to people. A handful. Of my choosing. Again, quality over quantity. And I’m able to read. Just about anything I want. A book. The New York Times, in cyberspace. Emails from my dearest and closest friends/contacts. And I’m able to think. All sorts of thoughts. Of my choosing. And write. Exactly what I want to write. In English, of course. And when necessary, my Italian true love can translate for me. Therefore, if this is an isolated life – well, then give me an isolated life. I’ll take it. With gratitude. –Jim Broede

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